

Monday, October 24, 2011

lindsay territory vacant 1

lindsay. territory. vacant


  1. We’ve talked a bit about this one… my thoughts on this would be to do more “listening”. In other words, can you go there and examine the ways in which the physical construction material of Detroit is being redistributed across the landscape. I encourage you to think of the materials and their storage by examining the present patterns of demolition/reapropriation already in play. Get familiar with the laws of demolition in DTW but also maybe visit scrap yards or resale places. Observe “alternate” patterns so that you don’t get stuck in the existing frames of legal material distribution. This isn’t, by the way, asking you to consider illegal means of operation (or not).

    By the way, what are the most predominant building materials in DTW? How about of buildings being demolished? How do you know? What are some creative demolition schemes you have heard of?

    Since you mentioned them… here’s an article by Interboro that describes the process of obtaining property in DTW http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:EGpBgzvES7AJ:www.interboropartners.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/071022_interboro_improve_your_lot.pdf+interboro+%22improve+your+lot%22&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjD89DwEjZITIXUPrfbOvzNQWpfYrGwWyn0fk7hmWLtHgMsrvSHMdCokoxyFfe9ivS5W59HFuvIUdl46hoYEaiPRlSBl6bRtp_Khk7WlmkICHAa6ahcKlH49QBsDCHrI5j-rEH2&sig=AHIEtbTfJTa-qVhYCmHV4VRbFB6KrbItrw&pli=1

  2. The blot thing is super charged, and definitely dealing with leveraging perceive disadvantages. This one is specific enough that I think the players are well identified, the phenomena lends itself to a study of a deeper trend, suburbanization of the inner city. I think trying to position work in this context would be really interesting too. How does the architectural response to a vacant site act diplomatically in the site? Who is gaining power, and who is losing it, or at least giving a little bit up to "listen" to someone else?
